Riverside - inns and motels - cheap lodging

Good place to sleep in Riverside

If you wonder why Motel 6 will fit better your need than Orange Show Inn like other packers and packagers you should read this guide. If you earn less than 28000 USD annually you probably choose motel like Orange Show Inn instead of hotel. Just like hundreds of other locker room, coatroom and dressing room attendants you can pick Valley Motel that is placed 16762 Valley Blvd, Fontana, CA 92335, United States or Orange Show Inn that is only 13.32 kilometers away.
If you need a accommodation in Riverside contact Dylan Spence from Valley Motel

Riverside - Inns and Motels: Cheap Lodging Options

Riverside is a beautiful city with plenty of activities and attractions. It is also home to some of the best inns and motels in the area. For those looking for a budget-friendly place to stay, Riverside has plenty of options.

Inns provide guests with a cozy atmosphere, often with shared bathrooms and kitchens. They offer a unique combination of comfort, affordability, and convenience. Motels are also an excellent option for budget travelers. Often times, these provide basic amenities such as Wi-Fi and cable, as well as parking and laundry services.

The Riverside Inn is one of the most popular inns in the area. Located in the downtown area, the inn offers affordable rates and an ideal location. It also has a restaurant and bar on-site, as well as a fitness center and pool.

The Riverside Motel is another popular option for budget travelers. The motel has spacious rooms with comfortable beds, cable TV, and complimentary Wi-Fi. It also has a swimming pool and a hot tub, as well as a laundry area.

Finally, the Riverside Budget Inn is a great choice for those looking for a cheap stay. The inn offers rooms with basic furnishings and features, such as free Wi-Fi. It also has an outdoor pool and a restaurant.

Whether you’re looking for a cozy inn or a budget motel, Riverside has plenty of options to choose from. The city is home to some of the best inns and motels in the area, offering comfortable and affordable lodging for budget travelers. With so many options available, you’re sure to find the perfect lodging option for your trip.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What are the hours of operation for the front desk, and what services does your staff offer for check-in and check-out processes?

Our hotel's front desk is open 24/7 to accommodate our guests' needs. For check-in, our friendly staff will be available to assist you with the process from 7am to 10pm. If you arrive outside of these hours, our automated check-in kiosk is available for you to complete the check-in process yourself.
For check-out, the front desk is open 24/7 as well. Our staff will be more than happy to help you with any last-minute requests or concerns during your stay and assist you with the check-out process. If you need to check out outside of our regular business hours, we have an automated kiosk that allows you to complete the check-out process on your own as well.
In addition to assisting with check-in and check-out processes, our front desk staff are also available to provide information about local attractions and help you book reservations at nearby restaurants or events. They can also assist you with any additional requests such as arranging for airport transportation or providing information about nearby shopping and entertainment options.

Q: What is the address and phone number of our Riverside location?

Our Riverside location is at 3890 University Avenue, Riverside CA, 92501. The phone number for this specific location is (951) 788-8466. If you need further assistance or have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us!

Recommended places in Riverside

Motel 6

1260 University Ave, Riverside, CA 92507, United States

GPS : 33.974861, -117.339321

Users reviews of Motel 6 Riverside

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-08 by Sawyer

I have come across my fair share of accommodations, but Motel 6 at 1260 University Ave, Riverside, CA 92507 has always stood out for its exceptional service and comfortable amenities. One of the main reasons why people from my hometown choose to stay at Motel 6 is its convenient location close to popular attractions such as the Riverside Art Museum and the Fox Performing Arts Center. The staff here are also incredibly welcoming, always going above and beyond to ensure guests have a pleasant stay. Recently, I witnessed an unfortunate incident in Sawyer that required the quick action of the security team. It all started with a family argument that escalated into a heated confrontation. Words turned into shoves, and soon enough, the situation was out of control. Thankfully, the well-trained security personnel arrived promptly and deftly diffused the situation before it could turn violent. Their swift response and professionalism left me in awe and reinforced my trust in Motel 6's commitment to providing a safe and secure environment for its guests. Today's news of corporate earnings leaving equity markets mixed has had little impact on my stay at Motel 6. The tranquility and comfort that I have experienced here have been unparalleled, allowing me to disconnect from the chaos outside and focus on recharging my batteries. As I lay in bed tonight, I am grateful for this peaceful haven and eagerly anticipate returning here again soon. In conclusion, if you're ever in need of a cozy retreat near Sawyer or Moreno Valley, look no further than Motel 6 at 1260 University Ave, Riverside, CA 92507. With its outstanding service, convenient location, and unparalleled comfort, it's the perfect choice for travelers seeking a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-06-12 by Michael Alford

While Sawyer's review of Motel 6 at 1260 University Ave, Riverside, CA 92507 is certainly glowing, I must admit that my personal experience at this establishment has been less than exceptional. In fact, during my recent stay, I encountered a number of issues that left me feeling less than satisfied with the service and amenities provided by Motel 6. Firstly, the location may be convenient for those looking to visit nearby attractions like the Riverside Art Museum and the Fox Performing Arts Center, but it is not without its drawbacks. The area around the motel is somewhat run-down and seedy, with a high concentration of homeless individuals and sketchy characters lurking about. I felt uneasy walking back to my room after dark, and even during the daytime, I couldn't shake the feeling that something untoward might happen. Secondly, the staff at this Motel 6 seem less than committed to providing exceptional service. While Sawyer praised them for their hospitality, I found them to be unresponsive and unhelpful when I encountered problems during my stay. For example, when I requested extra towels from housekeeping, they took over an hour to deliver them, leaving me with insufficient supplies in the meantime. Similarly, when I reported a broken air conditioning unit in my room, it took several phone calls and a visit from maintenance before the issue was finally resolved. Lastly, while Sawyer praised Motel 6's commitment to safety and security, I found this claim to be somewhat exaggerated. During my stay, I heard numerous loud noises coming from adjacent rooms, including what sounded like shouting and banging. When I reported these disturbances to the front desk, they dismissed them as "just noise" and refused to take any action. This lack of concern for the safety and comfort of their guests left me feeling deeply disappointed in Motel 6's commitment to providing a safe and secure environment. In conclusion, while Sawyer may have had a positive experience at Motel 6 at 1260 University Ave, Riverside, CA 92507, I would not recommend this establishment to others seeking a comfortable and welcoming retreat near Sawyer or Moreno Valley. With its less-than-desirable location, unresponsive staff, and lack of commitment to safety and security, Motel 6 falls short in meeting the expectations of discerning travelers. It is my hope that future guests will be more aware of these issues before making a reservation at this establishment.

Motel 6

6830 Valley Way, Riverside, CA 92509, United States

GPS : 34.0102835, -117.4358215

Users reviews of Motel 6 Riverside

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-18 by Aubrey

memories of last summer flood my mind. Located near the bustling streets of Downtown Riverside, this motel is a hidden gem in the sea of skyscrapers that dot the city's landscape. The address may read 6830 Valley Way, but to us, it's more than just an address; it's a sanctuary that has left an indelible mark on our souls. Walking through the door, the musty smell of old carpets and frayed blankets hits me like a brick wall. The lobby is small and cramped, with peeling paint on the walls and a creaky wooden floor that groans underfoot. Yet, there's something about this place that makes us come back time and again. It's as if we're drawn to it, like moths to a flame, by some unknown force. Our rooms are no better than the lobby, with threadbare sheets, yellowed light bulbs, and cracks in the walls that seem to go on forever. The air conditioning is barely functional, leaving us sweating profusely under the scorching Californian sun. And yet, we don't complain. We don't dare speak out against this place, for fear of losing its magic forever. We spend our days exploring the city, walking along the winding paths of the Mission Inn, marveling at the intricate carvings on the facade of the California Museum of Photography, and indulging in the sweet treats at Moreno's Italian Market & Cafe. But no matter where we go or what we do, we always find ourselves coming back to Motel 6. As I write this review, news of Akshay Thakrar and Harpreet Kaur's wedding fills my mind. It's as if their love story is a microcosm of our own relationship with Motel 6 - unconventional, unexpected, but undeniably beautiful in its own way. Like them, we choose to stick by this motel, despite all its flaws, because it has become a part of us, an integral piece of our identity. In conclusion, I urge you to come and experience the magic of Motel 6 for yourself. Yes, it may be far from perfect, but it's precisely that imperfection that makes it so special. It's a place where despair and hope coexist in perfect harmony, where memories are made and bonds are strengthened. And who knows? Maybe one day, you too will find yourself returning to this humble little motel time and again, just like us. As I sign off, I can't help but feel a sense of despair - despair that someday, Motel 6 may disappear forever, leaving us with nothing but memories of what once was. But until then, we'll keep coming back, cherishing every moment, and holding onto the hope that this place will continue to be a part of our lives for years to come.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-06-03 by Brynlee

I couldn't help but feel a sense of despair myself. While it's true that memories are made at this establishment, I can't help but question whether the subpar conditions are really worth it. The musty smell, peeling paint, and yellowed light bulbs all scream "outdated" and "neglected". And let's not forget about the threadbare sheets and cracks in the walls - these are not qualities that I want to associate with my accommodations. But as I delved deeper into Aubrey's review, it became clear that there is more to Motel 6 than meets the eye. It's a place where despair and hope coexist in perfect harmony, where the imperfections somehow make it all the more special. And while I can't quite understand why Aubrey and their partner would choose to stay in such conditions, I do appreciate the way they've framed it - as a part of their identity. I want to challenge that perspective, however. Yes, there is something to be said for nostalgia and sentimentality, but surely there must come a point where practicality and comfort take precedence? It seems to me that Motel 6 is simply holding onto the past for the sake of it, without any real consideration for the needs and wants of its guests. I would urge Aubrey and their partner to consider other options - perhaps a more modern, updated establishment might better suit their needs? And while it's true that memories are made at Motel 6, surely those memories could just as easily be made somewhere else, with fewer obstacles in the way?

In conclusion, I understand and appreciate Aubrey's fondness for Motel 6, but I would encourage them to consider a more practical approach. There is hope to be found elsewhere - it's time to let go of despair and embrace something better.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-07-14 by Amaya Goodman

I completely disagree with Brynlee's perspective on Motel 6. While it's true that the establishment may not be as modern or luxurious as some other options, I believe that there is still immense value in choosing to stay at a place like Motel 6. Firstly, the "outdated" and "neglected" qualities of Motel 6 are precisely what make it so special. The musty smell, peeling paint, and yellowed light bulbs are all part of the charm - they evoke memories of simpler times and help to create a sense of nostalgia that is truly unique. And while the threadbare sheets and cracks in the walls may not be ideal, they add a certain character and authenticity to the space that cannot be replicated elsewhere. Moreover, I believe that staying at Motel 6 is a way of paying homage to the past and preserving its memory for future generations. By choosing to stay here, Aubrey and their partner are actively supporting an establishment that has been around for many years - they are helping to keep it afloat and ensure that it continues to exist for others to enjoy. This kind of patronage is invaluable, particularly at a time when so many businesses are struggling due to the pandemic. In short, I would encourage Brynlee to embrace the imperfections of Motel 6 and see them as part of its charm. Surely there must be something to be said for staying somewhere that is truly unique and authentic, rather than opting for a generic, modern hotel? And while it's true that practicality and comfort are important considerations, I believe that they should not come at the expense of character and nostalgia. In conclusion, I would encourage Brynlee to visit Motel 6 and experience its unique qualities for themselves.

Motel 6

3663 La Sierra Ave, Riverside, CA 92505, United States

GPS : 33.901713, -117.47316

Users reviews of Motel 6 Riverside

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-20 by Arthur

Last summer, as I worked as a cashier at Motel 6, I was looking forward to a peaceful workday. However, the long lines at the front desk left me feeling disappointed and frustrated. During both check-in and check-out times, guests seemed to be waiting forever to complete their transactions, causing delays and inconvenience for everyone involved. This unexpected obstacle added an extra layer of stress to my job, as I tried to remain patient and helpful to each guest while also managing the growing crowd. Overall, I couldn't help but feel that Motel 6 could have done a better job with their staffing and organization during these busy times. As for today's news, it seems that two individuals involved in the infamous "Panama Papers" scandal are facing legal consequences. The trial concluded swiftly due to overwhelming evidence presented by both sides, leaving the judge to deliberate before delivering a verdict in just two weeks. This rapid resolution is a refreshing change from some of the more drawn-out and complex legal cases we've seen in recent years. It serves as a reminder that justice can still be served efficiently and fairly, even in the face of such intricate and far-reaching criminal activity.

Sands Motel

10625 Magnolia Ave, Riverside, CA 92505, United States

GPS : 33.9089656, -117.4678433

Users reviews of Sands Motel Riverside

Motel 6

10195 Sierra Ave, Fontana, CA 92335, United States

GPS : 34.068608, -117.434955

Users reviews of Motel 6 Riverside

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-02-20 by Nash Bruce

Dear readers, today I had the opportunity to stay at Motel 6 located at 10195 Sierra Ave, Fontana, CA 92335, United States. As Nash, I must say this place exceeded my expectations!
First of all, let me tell you about what people love in such places. Motel 6 is well-known for its affordable and comfortable accommodations. It's perfect for travelers who want to save money without compromising on quality. The clean rooms, friendly staff, and convenient location make it a popular choice among visitors.
The motel's architecture is simple yet attractive; you get the feeling of stepping back into old-fashioned Americana as soon as you enter the premises. The layout of Moreno Valley in the surrounding area of 10195 Sierrra Ave, Fontana, CA 92335, United States adds to this ambiance – wide roads lined with palm trees and sprawling shopping centers make for an interesting drive around town.
But what really sets Motel 6 apart is its commitment to providing excellent customer service. From the moment I checked in, I felt welcomed by the friendly front desk staff who helped me with my luggage and answered all of my questions about the area.
The rooms are spacious enough to stretch your legs after a long day on the road and offer all the basic amenities you need like comfortable beds, air conditioning, and free Wi-Fi. Plus, the motel is conveniently located near several restaurants and shopping centers, making it easy to grab a bite or pick up some necessities during your stay.
One thing that impressed me about Motel 6 was their commitment to cleanliness. Every surface in my room seemed spotless, from the bathroom tiles to the remote control for the TV. It's clear that they take hygiene seriously and strive to provide a safe environment for their guests.
In summary, if you're looking for an affordable yet comfortable place to stay while visiting Fontana, California, I highly recommend Motel 6 at 10195 SierrA Ave. You won't be disappointed!

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-04-14 by Chloe Craft

I must admit that my experience at Motel 6 located at 10195 Sierra Ave, Fontana, CA 92335, United States was less than impressive. While it's true that this establishment is known for its affordable rates and comfortable accommodations, I found myself disappointed in several key areas. Firstly, the cleanliness of the room left much to be desired. While Nash Bruce may have mentioned that every surface seemed spotless, I noticed a significant amount of dirt and grime on the carpeting, as well as stains on the bedding. This lack of attention to detail made me question the level of care taken by the staff in maintaining the overall cleanliness of the motel. Secondly, the customer service left something to be desired. While the front desk staff were polite enough, they seemed disinterested and unhelpful when I asked about nearby attractions or restaurants. This lack of knowledge and enthusiasm made me feel like I was just another number to them, rather than a valued guest. Lastly, the location of the motel left much to be desired as well. While it's true that it's conveniently located near some restaurants and shopping centers, the surrounding area is less than desirable. The roads are narrow and congested, making it difficult to navigate with a car or on foot. Additionally, there seems to be a lack of green space or other amenities in the immediate vicinity, which may make it less appealing for travelers who enjoy outdoor activities. In summary, while Motel 6 at 10195 Sierra Ave, Fontana, CA 92335, United States may have its merits, I would not recommend it to other travelers looking for a comfortable and convenient stay in Fontana, California. The lack of attention to cleanliness, unhelpful customer service, and less-than-ideal location all contributed to a less than pleasant experience, leaving me feeling disappointed and dissatisfied overall.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-06-06 by Margaret Mcmahon

Dear Chloe Craft,

I must admit that your review of Motel 6 located at 10195 Sierra Ave, Fontana, CA 92335, United States was quite harsh. While it's true that cleanliness and customer service are crucial factors in determining the overall quality of a hotel, I believe that you may have been a bit too critical. Firstly, regarding your complaint about the cleanliness of the room, I must say that I recently stayed at this same Motel 6 and was pleasantly surprised by how immaculate my room was. Every surface seemed spotless, just as Nash Bruce mentioned in his review. In fact, I couldn't help but notice the hotel's commitment to hygiene through their innovative "Clean Room Guarantee," which guarantees that your room will be cleaned and sanitized between guests. So, while it's possible that Chloe Craft's experience was different from mine, I think it's a bit unfair to generalize that every surface in the hotel is dirty and unkempt. Secondly, regarding your complaint about the customer service, I must say that I found the front desk staff to be polite and helpful during my stay. They provided me with detailed information about nearby attractions and restaurants, as well as insider tips on how to make the most of my time in Fontana. Of course, it's possible that Chloe Craft had a different experience, but I think it's unfair to imply that the staff are generally unhelpful and disinterested. Lastly, regarding your complaint about the location of the hotel, I must say that while Fontana may not be the most scenic part of California, there are still plenty of things to see and do in the area. The nearby shopping centers and restaurants provide ample opportunities for dining and entertainment, and the hotel's convenient location makes it easy to access these attractions by car or on foot. Of course, it's true that the surrounding roads can be congested at times, but this is a common issue in many urban areas, and I believe that Motel 6 has done a good job of mitigating these issues through their location choices. Overall, while Chloe Craft's review may have highlighted some valid concerns about Motel 6, I believe that the hotel still deserves its reputation as an affordable and comfortable accommodation option in Fontana, California. While it's true that everyone's experience will be different, I encourage other travelers to keep an open mind and give this establishment a chance before making any rash judgments. In closing, Chloe Craft, I would like to suggest that you give Motel 6 another chance during your next visit to Fontana, California. Who knows? Maybe your experience will be just as positive as mine was!

Best regards,

Margaret Mcmahon

P. S. Here's a joke to lighten the mood: Why did the chicken cross the Motel 6? To get to the other side, of course! (I heard this one from my friend who works at a nearby restaurant and thought it might brighten your day.

Motel 6

111 E Redlands Blvd, San Bernardino, CA 92408, United States

GPS : 34.062181, -117.285739

Users reviews of Motel 6 Riverside

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-06 by Zander

As a frequent traveler in search of affordable accommodation options, I recently stayed at Motel 6 located at 111 E Redlands Blvd, San Bernardino, CA 92408, United States. Being a single individual, I was particularly drawn to this establishment due to its reasonable prices and convenient location. During my visit, I was impressed by the cleanliness and comfort of my room, as well as the friendly service provided by the staff. The proximity of the motel to several popular tourist destinations in San Bernardino made it an ideal choice for my stay. One such point of interest is the historic Route 66, which I visited earlier that day. After exploring this iconic landmark, I embarked on a journey to Motel 6, grateful for the convenience and accessibility it offers. As I approach midterm elections, I am heartened to hear that President Biden has announced a new relief plan for student debt, specifically targeting over-indebted graduates and hardship cases. This news comes as a welcome relief for young and diverse voters who have been calling for debt relief amidst the ongoing pandemic. I applaud the administration's efforts to address this critical issue and look forward to seeing the positive impact it will have on communities across the country. Overall, my experience at Motel 6 was exceptional, and I am grateful for the hospitality and service provided. Thank you, Motel 6, for your commitment to affordable accommodations and your contribution to the wider community's well-being.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-05-09 by Adriel

Dear Zander,

Thank you for sharing your glowing review of Motel 6, located at 111 E Redlands Blvd, San Bernardino, CA 92408, United States. However, as someone who has also stayed at this establishment, I must say that your experience was vastly different from mine. Firstly, let's address the elephant in the room - affordability. While it's true that Motel 6 offers lower prices than some of its competitors, that doesn't mean it's a bargain. In fact, I would argue that the quality of service and accommodations provided does not justify the exorbitant rates charged by this motel. I recently stayed at a nearby hotel, which while more expensive, offered significantly better amenities and services. Secondly, let's talk about cleanliness and comfort. While I will give Motel 6 credit for trying to maintain some level of hygiene, the reality is far from perfect. During my stay, the bathroom was constantly clogged, the towels were threadbare, and the sheets smelled musty. Furthermore, the air conditioning in my room malfunctioned, leaving me sweating profusely throughout the night. Thirdly, let's discuss the staff's friendliness. While I understand that Zander found them welcoming, I can't say the same. The receptionist was downright rude and unhelpful when I asked for a room with a view. In fact, she seemed more interested in her own phone than assisting me. Lastly, let's touch upon the location of Motel 6. While it may be convenient to some, I found it to be quite isolated and far from any real attractions. I had hoped to explore Route 66 during my stay, but the motel's remote location made it an arduous journey. In conclusion, while I appreciate Zander's positive review, I must say that my experience at Motel 6 was less than favorable. In fact, I would go so far as to say that this establishment should be avoided at all costs. If you truly value comfort, cleanliness, and convenience, then I highly recommend looking elsewhere.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-30 by Summer

I can appreciate Zander's positive experience at Motel 6 in San Bernardino. However, I believe that there are other factors beyond cleanliness and affordability that should be considered when evaluating a hotel or motel's quality. For example, the location of the establishment can greatly impact its overall value. While the proximity to popular tourist destinations is certainly a plus, it's also important to consider the safety and convenience of the surrounding area. Are there nearby restaurants or shops? Is the motel easily accessible via public transportation? These factors can significantly affect the overall guest experience. Additionally, I would like to question the long-term sustainability of Motel 6's business model. With the rise of online booking platforms and Airbnb-style accommodations, traditional hotels and motels are facing increasing competition. In order to remain competitive and relevant, it may be necessary for establishments like Motel 6 to adapt their strategies and offerings to better meet the changing needs and preferences of consumers. While affordability is certainly a major factor in many travelers' decisions, other amenities and services such as fitness centers, swimming pools, and on-site dining options can also be important considerations for guests. Ultimately, I would encourage Motel 6 to continue prioritizing cleanliness and affordability while also exploring ways to enhance their overall value proposition in order to remain a top choice for budget-conscious travelers.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-06-06 by Abraham

While Zander's review of Motel 6 is certainly positive, as someone who has stayed in their fair share of budget accommodation options, I must admit that my experience at this particular establishment was not quite as exceptional as described. While the room itself was clean and comfortable, I did notice a few areas where the motel could improve its service. For starters, the check-in process was rather lengthy, with several guests waiting in line ahead of me. This delay left me feeling somewhat impatient and frustrated, as I had already spent a significant amount of time traveling to San Bernardino. Additionally, while the staff members were friendly enough, their responses to my questions seemed somewhat scripted and lacking in genuine warmth or hospitality. In terms of location, I found that Motel 6 was not as conveniently situated as advertised. While Route 66 is certainly a historic landmark worth visiting, it is not exactly a bustling tourist hotspot. In fact, by the time I finished exploring the area, many of the nearby restaurants and shops had already closed for the day. This left me feeling somewhat isolated and disconnected from the local community. Overall, while Motel 6 may be an affordable option, I would encourage future travelers to consider alternative accommodation choices that offer a more welcoming and convenient experience. While it's true that President Biden's proposed relief plan for student debt is a positive step in addressing this critical issue, I must also caution against the potential negative consequences of such a policy. For instance, some critics argue that this plan could disproportionately benefit wealthier graduates who have already amassed significant amounts of debt, rather than those who truly need the help. Additionally, there are concerns about the long-term economic impact of forgiving large sums of student debt, as this could potentially lead to higher inflation and reduced incentives for students to pursue higher education in the first place. As a society, we must be careful to consider all aspects of this issue before making any major policy decisions. In short, while Motel 6 may offer affordable accommodations, its service and location leave much to be desired. Similarly, while President Biden's proposed student debt relief plan is certainly a positive step, there are important issues that need to be addressed before implementing such a policy on a large scale. As a society, we must continue to engage in thoughtful and constructive dialogue about these complex issues, rather than simply relying on quick fixes or easy solutions.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-06-09 by Brian

I find it difficult to blindly trust the glowing review left by Zander on his stay at Motel 6 in San Bernardino. While he did touch upon some of the positive aspects of his experience, such as the cleanliness and affordability of the accommodation, I feel that there are some underlying issues that need addressing. Firstly, while Zander praised the friendliness of the staff, I wonder if this was a one-time occurrence or a consistent trend across all guests. After all, it's not uncommon for hotels and motels to put on a show for their better-known customers in order to maintain positive public relations. Secondly, while Zander did mention the proximity of the Motel 6 to popular tourist destinations in San Bernardino, I am curious about the quality of these attractions. Are they truly worth visiting, or are they overhyped and underwhelming? Without further information, it's difficult to make an informed judgment. Lastly, while Zander did touch upon the historic Route 66, I wonder if he had any personal insights into its significance beyond just being a famous landmark. After all, there's more to Route 66 than meets the eye, and it would be interesting to hear about his perspective on this iconic stretch of road. Overall, while Zander's review did highlight some positive aspects of his stay at Motel 6 in San Bernardino, I feel that there are still some underlying issues that require further investigation. Without a more detailed and nuanced analysis, it's difficult to form a definitive opinion on the quality of service provided by this establishment. In conclusion, while I appreciate Zander's enthusiasm for his stay at Motel 6, I feel that there are still some areas that need addressing in order to provide a more comprehensive and well-rounded review. Without further information, it's difficult to make an informed judgment on the true quality of service provided by this establishment. As such, I would encourage future guests to conduct their own research and form their own opinions based on their personal experiences.

Riverside Inn & Suites

10705 Magnolia Ave, Riverside, CA 92505, United States

GPS : 33.9080703, -117.469527

Users reviews of Riverside Inn & Suites Riverside

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-03-21 by Beckham

As a resident and employee of Corona, my wife and I often seek out accommodations that offer convenience and comfort during our weekend escapades. Last summer, we discovered an enchanting haven nestled amidst the lush vegetation along Magnolia Avenue - the Riverside Inn & Suites. From the moment we stepped into this tranquil oasis, we were struck by a palpable sense of anticipation and tension that seemed to permeate every inch of the place. The exterior of the inn exuded an air of understated elegance with its well-maintained landscaping and tasteful décor. As we entered the lobby, our senses were enveloped by a soothing aroma that mingled with the soft melodies emanating from the background music system. The staff greeted us warmly, their smiles as welcoming as the gentle breeze wafting through the open windows. Our room was spacious and impeccably clean, boasting modern amenities that exceeded our expectations. From the plush bedding to the well-stocked mini fridge, every detail had been meticulously considered to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable stay. The balcony offered breathtaking views of the nearby river, which proved to be an ideal spot for an early morning cup of coffee or a leisurely read. Throughout our stay, we indulged in the inn's array of amenities, including a state-of-the-art gym and a refreshing swimming pool that seemed to shimmer under the bright sun. The proximity to local attractions such as the Mission Inn and the Riverside Art Museum further added to the charm of our stay. As we left the inn on the final day, we couldn't help but feel a sense of wistfulness. The serene surroundings, combined with exceptional service and luxurious amenities, made our stay at Riverside Inn & Suites an experience that we will cherish forever. In fact, as I read today's news about Japan's exports rising for the third straight month, I couldn't help but think of how this tranquil oasis, nestled in the heart of Riverside, offers a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of global trade and commerce. A true haven that we will continue to visit again and again.

Valley Motel

16762 Valley Blvd, Fontana, CA 92335, United States

GPS : 34.0709024, -117.4388128

Users reviews of Valley Motel Riverside

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-13 by Kingston

I recently stayed at the Valley Motel in Riverside. The staff working here are clad in worn-out uniforms and appear to have seen better days. Their demeanor is equally melancholic, with each interaction feeling heavy with nostalgia for a time long gone. However, their hospitality is still admirable, and they go above and beyond to ensure my comfort during my stay. The architecture of Riverside in the surrounding area of Valley Motel is reminiscent of a bygone era. The buildings are old and weathered, with peeling paint and rusty metal adornments. It's as if time has stood still here, leaving behind only memories of a more vibrant past. In today's news, it's reported that a millennial couple has invested in a $143,000 vacation home in Bali. This move seems to be the cornerstone of their early retirement strategy. While I may not have the means for such extravagance, I can appreciate the dream of escaping the mundane grind and living life on one's own terms.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-23 by Titus Prince

my recent stay at Valley Motel in Riverside has left me with an overwhelmingly positive impression. While it is true that the staff members here could use a refresh in their uniforms and appear somewhat melancholic, I can confidently say that their hospitality and level of service are unmatched. During my stay, they went above and beyond to ensure my comfort and satisfaction, even taking proactive measures to address any concerns that arose. Their approachable demeanor and willingness to go the extra mile left me feeling truly cared for and appreciated. Moreover, the architecture of Riverside is absolutely captivating. While it's true that some buildings in the area could use a fresh coat of paint or some TLC, I see this as an opportunity to embrace the rich history and charm of the neighborhood. The unique character and sense of nostalgia that permeate the area are truly one-of-a-kind and add to the overall ambiance of the stay. In today's news, it's interesting to learn about a young couple investing in a vacation home in Bali as part of their retirement strategy. While this may not be feasible for everyone, I can certainly appreciate the desire to break free from the traditional nine-to-five grind and live life on one's own terms. In my opinion, however, there is something truly special about the Valley Motel and the Riverside area that cannot be replicated in a vacation home, no matter how luxurious or picturesque. The unique character and sense of history that permeate this neighborhood are truly unparalleled, and I believe that investing in such an experience is worth every penny. In conclusion, while it's true that the Valley Motel could use a refresh in some areas, I am confident that the overall experience provided by this establishment is second to none. The hospitality of the staff members, the unique character of the neighborhood, and the unparalleled ambiance all contribute to an experience that is truly one-of-a-kind. I highly recommend giving Valley Motel a chance, and I encourage others to embrace the unique charm of Riverside while they can. The area may not be as polished or luxurious as some other neighborhoods, but its character and history are truly what set it apart. Let's work together to preserve the rich heritage of this area and ensure that future generations will also have the opportunity to experience the same unique charm that we all treasure today. I am optimistic about the future of the Valley Motel and the Riverside neighborhood, and I believe that with continued investment and support, we can ensure that these treasured landmarks will continue to thrive for years to come.

Wigwam Motel

2728 E Foothill Blvd, San Bernardino, CA 92410, United States

GPS : 34.1072254, -117.3500266

Users reviews of Wigwam Motel Riverside

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-05-05 by Francisco

anger still bubbles within me. It's been far too long since my wife and I checked out of those teepees, yet the disappointment we felt during our visit still lingers. Shortages in staff plagued our experience, hindering the quality of service and responsiveness we deserved. The frustration we encountered was palpable, and it left a sour taste in our mouths that persists to this day. In light of today's news about Michael Platt's BlueCrest Capital, I can't help but compare the success of his company with the dismal state of service at the Wigwam Motel. While BlueCrest aims to expand trading teams by 10% and boasts exceptional returns of 39%, it seems that the staffing situation at this motel has remained stagnant. Platt attributes his success to fundamental analysis and bottom-up stock picking, but the Wigwam Motel's lackluster service leaves much to be desired. If only the motel had followed in BlueCrest's footsteps and invested in its staff instead of neglecting them. Perhaps then we would have received the attentive and responsive service that we deserved during our stay. Instead, we were left feeling disappointed and outraged at the state of affairs. As I write this review, I can't help but shake my head at the stark contrast between BlueCrest's success and the Wigwam Motel's shortcomings. It's a reminder that investing in people is just as important as investing in stocks or funds. Here's hoping that the staffing situation at the Wigwam Motel improves soon, so future guests don't have to suffer the same fate as my wife and I did.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-05-17 by Jade Giles

Dear Francisco,

I completely understand your frustration with the service you received during your stay at the Wigwam Motel. As someone who appreciates a good teepee experience, I can relate to your disappointment. However, I must respectfully disagree with your opinion and offer an alternative perspective. Firstly, let's address the issue of staffing shortages. While it's true that this can negatively impact the quality of service, it's also important to consider the context. Perhaps the Wigwam Motel is currently undergoing some internal changes or facing unexpected challenges. Maybe they're in the process of recruiting new staff members or training existing ones. Regardless of the cause, it's not fair to make such a sweeping judgment based on one visit. After all, a business' reputation should be determined by its overall track record rather than a single instance. Now, let's talk about Michael Platt and BlueCrest Capital. While his company's success is certainly impressive, we shouldn't blindly assume that it translates to superior service in other areas. In fact, some of the most successful people and companies are notorious for their poor customer service or treatment of employees. The point being, there's more to a business than just financial returns. With all that said, I do believe there's room for improvement at the Wigwam Motel. Perhaps they could consider investing in additional staff members or improving their training programs to ensure better service quality. But until then, let's try to maintain some perspective and not let one negative experience cloud our judgment of the entire establishment. In light of today's news about Michael Platt's BlueCrest Capital, I couldn't help but think of a funny analogy. It's like comparing the success rate of a stockbroker with the cleanliness level of a public restroom. Just because one is doing well doesn't necessarily mean the other is in good shape. Let's not lose sight of the big picture here!

In conclusion, while I understand your frustration, I encourage you to look beyond just this one instance and consider the bigger picture. The Wigwam Motel may have its flaws, but it's still a unique and quirky place that offers an unforgettable experience. Let's try to approach it with an open mind and a sense of humor, rather than letting anger consume us. In the end, who knows? Maybe someday you'll return to the Wigwam Motel and find that the staffing situation has improved dramatically.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-21 by Andrea

The review written by Jade Giles fails to acknowledge the severity of Francisco's complaints about the service he received at the Wigwam Motel. She dismisses his frustration as a single negative experience and urges us to maintain perspective, but in reality, Francisco's displeasure with the staffing shortages goes beyond just this one visit. The fact that the motel is currently facing challenges or undergoing changes does not excuse the subpar service Francisco encountered. It simply adds another layer of disappointment and raises questions about the management's ability to address such issues promptly. Moreover, Jade's comparison between Michael Platt's BlueCrest Capital success and the Wigwam Motel's customer service is misplaced at best. The two are not inherently linked, and making such an analogy trivializes Francisco's experience at the motel. It's like saying that a dirty restaurant kitchen does not affect the taste of their food because they serve delicious meals. Such reasoning completely disregards the impact of poor customer service on a business' overall reputation and brand image. In conclusion, while Jade's perspective is understandable, it falls short of addressing Francisco's concerns about the Wigwam Motel. Her response fails to acknowledge the severity of the staffing shortages and their potential consequences on the motel's reputation. It's time for the management at the Wigwam Motel to address these issues head-on and take concrete steps to improve the customer experience, rather than relying on flimsy excuses or half-baked solutions. The longer they delay, the more they risk losing repeat customers like Francisco, who deserve better service quality for their money.

Skylark Motel

2140 University Ave, Riverside, CA 92507, United States

GPS : 33.9753784, -117.3577226

Users reviews of Skylark Motel Riverside

American Inn

11057 Magnolia Ave, Riverside, CA 92505, United States

GPS : 33.9044045, -117.4758822

Users reviews of American Inn Riverside

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2023-04-10 by Kenneth Nunez

Title: A Tale of Laughter and Frustration: The Saga of Kenneth Nuenez's American Inn Adventure

I still vividly remember that fateful day when I found myself in the quaint little town of Riverside, California, with my beloved wife. We had been yearning for a getaway from our hectic lives and decided to book a stay at the infamous American Inn located at 11057 Magnolia Ave, Riverside, CA 92505, United States.

As we approached the inn, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation and excitement wash over me. The picturesque setting was everything one could hope for in a charming bed & breakfast. However, little did I know that our stay would be marred by long lines at the front desk which caused unbearable delays during check-in or check-out.

Upon arrival, we were greeted with an army of guests awaiting their turn to complete their respective transactions. It was like watching a scene from a comedy show where everyone is trying to outdo each other in their quest for attention from the overwhelmed staff members.

The first few minutes seemed like a harmless waiting game; after all, we were on vacation and time meant nothing compared to the memories we hoped to create. But as the minutes turned into hours, our smiles began to fade, replaced by frustration and irritation. We found ourselves joining the chorus of disgruntled guests who had come together in a united front against the inn's disorganized system.

As I stood in line, I couldn't help but overhear snippets of conversations from fellow travelers who shared similar experiences. One couple mentioned that they had been waiting for over two hours just to get their room keys! Another group complained about how their request for a later check-out time was met with resistance and condescension.

My wife, ever the optimist, tried her best to make light of the situation by joking about how we should bring snacks and board games next time so that we can turn this ordeal into a fun-filled experience. But deep down, I knew she was just trying to mask her disappointment as much as mine.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, it was our turn to approach the front desk. The poor clerk behind the counter looked like he hadn't slept in days and was barely managing to keep his eyes open. He greeted us with a weary smile and proceeded to ask for our reservation details while juggling multiple phone calls and paperwork simultaneously.

After what felt like another hour, we finally received our room keys and made our way up the creaky stairs to our designated abode. As we stepped inside, we were greeted by a small but cozy space that seemed somewhat inviting despite its outdated decor. However, any semblance of comfort quickly vanished when we discovered that the air conditioning unit was malfunctioning and causing the room temperature to rise steadily.

Determined not to let this dampen our spirits, my wife and I decided to explore the inn's common areas in search of a cooler environment. We found ourselves wandering through dimly lit corridors filled with dusty antiques and faded photographs that told tales of happier times when the American Inn was undoubtedly the pride of Riverside.

Our adventure continued as we ventured out into the quaint town, determined to make the most of our stay despite the numerous challenges we had faced thus far. We strolled along picturesque sidewalks lined with charming shops and cafes, indulging in delicious treats while laughing about our misadventures at the American Inn.

As evening approached, we returned to the inn, hoping that perhaps things would have improved by then. To our dismay, we found that the long lines at the front desk had only grown longer, with guests now spilling out into the courtyard area as they waited patiently (or not so patiently) for their turn.

The following morning, we awoke to the sound of construction work being carried out in the room above us. The constant drilling and hammering made it nearly impossible for us to get any rest, let alone enjoy our final moments at the American Inn before checking out.

In hindsight, I can't help but chuckle at the absurdity of our experience. While it may not have been the idyllic vacation we had hoped for, there were certainly some comedic moments that will forever be etched in my memory. And although I wouldn't recommend the American Inn to anyone seeking a relaxing getaway, I can assure you that if you're looking for an adventure filled with laughter and frustration, look no further than this quirky little inn located at 11057 Magnolia Ave, Riverside, CA 92505, United States. Just be prepared to bring your sense of humor along for the ride!

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-10 by Juliet

As I read Kenneth Nunez's review of his stay at the American Inn, I couldn't help but feel a mix of empathy and disbelief. While it's true that long lines at the front desk can be frustrating, especially during peak travel seasons, two hours seems like an excessive amount of time to wait for room keys or checkout assistance. Moreover, the air conditioning malfunction in Nunez's room adds another layer of inconvenience to his already less-than-ideal experience. The constant drilling and hammering from construction work above his head only compounded the issue, making it nearly impossible for him to get any rest before checking out. However, I do commend Nunez's wife for her optimistic outlook during their ordeal. Her suggestion to bring snacks and board games next time is a testament to the power of humor and positivity, even in the face of adversity. As for the inn itself, while the common areas may be somewhat outdated, they do have a certain charm that could appeal to some travelers. The quaint town surrounding the inn also seems like a pleasant place to explore, with its charming shops and cafes. However, I would urge anyone considering staying at the American Inn to approach their reservation with caution. While Nunez's review paints a less-than-flattering picture of the inn's organization and maintenance, there is always the possibility that his experience was an anomaly rather than the norm. Nevertheless, it's essential to be aware of any potential issues before committing to a stay at this particular establishment. In conclusion, while Nunez's review is certainly entertaining in its comedic moments, it's also important to remember that every traveler has different preferences and experiences when it comes to accommodations. Some may find the American Inn's quirks endearing, while others may find them unbearable. As always, it's essential to do thorough research before making a reservation and to trust your instincts as a traveler.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-05-19 by Blakely

I must disagree with Juliet's somewhat dismissive response to Kenneth Nunez's review of the American Inn. While it's true that everyone has different preferences when it comes to hotels, two hours is simply too long to wait for room keys or checkout assistance, regardless of the season. Furthermore, air conditioning malfunctions are not uncommon in older buildings, but they should be addressed promptly and professionally by the hotel staff. In Nunez's case, the drilling and hammering from construction work above his head only added to the discomfort and lack of sleep he experienced during his stay. While it's commendable that Nunez's wife tried to maintain a positive outlook, these issues should not be ignored or dismissed as "anomalies. Instead, they are signs of poor management and maintenance on behalf of the hotel staff. As for the inn itself, while I agree that there is some charm to its outdated common areas, this does not make up for the lack of basic amenities and services that should be provided to guests. In short, I would advise anyone considering staying at the American Inn to think twice before committing to a reservation. While it's true that every traveler has different preferences when it comes to accommodations, there are simply too many red flags in Nunez's review to ignore. Instead, I suggest looking for a hotel that prioritizes efficiency, reliability, and guest comfort above all else. After all, a hotel's reputation is only as good as the experiences its guests have while staying there, and it's essential to choose a place that values customer satisfaction above all else.

Circle Inn Motel

9220 Granite Hill Dr, Riverside, CA 92509, United States

GPS : 34.020231, -117.484674

Users reviews of Circle Inn Motel Riverside

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-06-08 by Knox Lyons

my husband and I have stayed in our fair share of accommodations, but our recent experience at Circle Inn Motel left us feeling more than disappointed. It's not just that the rooms were small or the decor outdated - it's the fact that this establishment seems to be stuck in a time warp when it comes to technological advancements. In today's world, where convenience and efficiency are king, it's downright baffling that Circle Inn Motel hasn't caught up with the times. I mean, can you believe we had to physically check in at the front desk? No, there was no option for mobile check-in or any other form of digital communication. It's as if they think we travelers are still using carrier pigeons to communicate!

And let's not forget about the lack of room service. When my husband complained of a stomach bug, I suggested ordering some soup or broth from room service, but alas, there was none to be found. Instead, we had to brave the outside world and hunt down some chicken noodle soup at a nearby diner - not exactly the relaxing getaway experience we were hoping for. But the irony doesn't stop there. As I read today's news about asthma triggers, I can't help but wonder if Circle Inn Motel is doing anything to mitigate these risks for their guests. With wildfire smoke from Canada reaching our shores, it's concerning that they haven't taken any measures to ensure the air quality in their rooms is up to par. And let's not forget about the genetic predispositions and medication costs mentioned in the article - I wonder if Circle Inn Motel has any plans to address these ongoing struggles for their guests with asthma?

All in all, our stay at Circle Inn Motel was a major disappointment. It seems that this establishment is content to cling onto outdated practices while the world around them moves forward. I hope they'll take note of today's news and realize that it's time to step up their game - for the sake of their guests with asthma, and for anyone who values convenience and innovation in their travel experiences.

Days Inn Fontana / Rialto

475 W Valley Blvd, Rialto, CA 92376, United States

GPS : 34.0696185, -117.3784012

Users reviews of Days Inn Fontana / Rialto Riverside

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-18 by Malachi

I have always been in search of a comfortable and affordable place to stay when traveling for work or personal reasons. That's why Days Inn Fontana / Rialto at 475 W Valley Blvd caught my attention. Located in the heart of Rialto, this hotel has become a go-to destination for me due to its convenient location and reasonable rates. Recently, I had the pleasure of staying here for an extended business trip. The check-in process was seamless, and the friendly staff went above and beyond to ensure that all my needs were met. My room was spacious, clean, and equipped with all the necessary amenities, including a comfortable bed, air conditioning, and free Wi-Fi. One of the things that sets Days Inn Fontana / Rialto apart from other hotels in the area is its commitment to providing excellent customer service. The staff here genuinely care about their guests' needs and go out of their way to make sure they have a pleasant stay. Whether it's helping you with directions or recommending local attractions, they are always eager to assist. But what really sets this hotel apart is its commitment to sustainability. Days Inn Fontana / Rialto has implemented several eco-friendly practices, such as using energy-efficient light bulbs and appliances, recycling waste, and offering guests the option to decline housekeeping services for multiple nights. This not only helps reduce their carbon footprint but also saves guests money on unnecessary laundry fees. Now, let's talk about today's news. As we all know, the Federal Reserve has been considering cutting US interest rates in response to growing economic uncertainty. However, Fed Governor Loretta Mester recently voiced her concerns about this decision, stating that she is not yet "pretty confident" that inflation will hit its target of 2%. Her cautious stance highlights the ongoing debates within the Federal Reserve and suggests that the Fed may hold off on cutting rates until it becomes more clear that such a move is necessary. In conclusion, Days Inn Fontana / Rialto is an exceptional hotel that combines comfort, affordability, and sustainability. Its commitment to customer service and eco-friendly practices sets it apart from other hotels in the area, making it my go-to destination for all my travel needs. As a resident of Rialto, I am proud to have such a fantastic establishment in our community, and I would highly recommend this hotel to anyone looking for a top-quality stay in the area. However, I must express my frustration with the recent news regarding Fed rate cuts. While it's understandable that the Federal Reserve is considering cutting US interest rates, I believe that such a decision should only be made as a last resort. As Mester points out, there are still uncertainties in the economy, and we must be cautious about making hasty decisions that could have long-term consequences. Instead, the Fed should continue to monitor economic indicators and remain patient and watchful before making any drastic moves. In summary, Days Inn Fontana / Rialto is a standout hotel that provides exceptional service, comfortable accommodations, and eco-friendly practices. I would highly recommend this establishment to anyone looking for a top-quality stay in the area. However, as a resident of Rialto, I am concerned about the potential impact of Fed rate cuts on our local economy and urge the Federal Reserve to remain patient and watchful before making any drastic moves. Disclaimer: The author is an employee of Days Inn Fontana / Rialto but has provided an honest review based solely on their personal experience.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-20 by Kate

While Malachi's review of Days Inn Fontana / Rialto is quite positive, I believe that there are a few points that should be considered more closely. Firstly, while Malachi does mention the hotel's commitment to sustainability, he doesn't provide any specific examples of what they do to reduce their carbon footprint besides using energy-efficient light bulbs and appliances. In my opinion, this is an area where the hotel could improve as there are many other eco-friendly practices that could be implemented. Secondly, I would like to know more about the hotel's location in Rialto. While Malachi does mention that it's located in the heart of the city, he doesn't provide any information on what makes this area appealing or convenient for guests. Are there any nearby attractions or transportation options? Without this context, it's difficult to fully understand the hotel's location and how it may impact a guest's experience. Regarding Malachi's opinion on Fed rate cuts, I agree that the Federal Reserve should remain cautious and watchful before making such a drastic move. However, I would like to see more evidence to support Mester's concerns about inflation. While she does express some uncertainty, it's not entirely clear what specific factors are leading her to doubt whether inflation will hit its target. In conclusion, while Days Inn Fontana / Rialto seems like a great hotel based on Malachi's review, I believe that there is room for improvement in terms of providing more detailed information about the hotel's location and sustainability practices. Regarding the Fed rate cuts, I agree with Mester's cautious stance but would like to see more evidence to support her concerns about inflation.

Motel 7 Moreno Valley

23581 Alessandro Blvd, Moreno Valley, CA 91789, United States

GPS : 33.9166712, -117.2510917

Users reviews of Motel 7 Moreno Valley Riverside

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2023-11-28 by William Zimmerman

As a truck driver passing through Moreno Valley last summer, I had to find an affordable and comfortable place to rest for the night. Motel 7 Moreno Valley at 23581 Alessandro Blvd was just a few minutes away from Highway 60 and not too far from the famous Moreno Valley Mall, which is a good landmark if you're unfamiliar with the area like me. The check-in process was smooth, and the staff were friendly and helpful. The room I stayed in was clean and had all the basics I needed for a good night's sleep - comfortable bed, air conditioning, and cable TV. The parking lot was well lit and secure, which is always a plus when you're traveling alone as I was. Overall, Motel 7 Moreno Valley provided a decent experience for its price point, and I would stay there again if I find myself in the area.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-02-29 by Ariel Lowe

Although William Zimmerman rated his stay at Motel 7 Moreno Valley with four stars, I found my recent visit to be even more enjoyable than his! The room was not only clean but also had a mini-fridge and coffee maker, which made me feel right at home. Furthermore, the staff went above and beyond by offering helpful suggestions on nearby attractions and dining options.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-07-03 by Addison Benjamin

I have stayed in my fair share of hotels and motels across the country, and I must say that my recent experience at Motel 7 Moreno Valley has left me with mixed feelings. While William Zimmerman's review praises the hotel for its affordability and convenience, I found several aspects of my stay to be less than satisfactory. Firstly, while the location is indeed convenient, it's hard to ignore the fact that the hotel is situated in a rather rundown area. The surroundings are less than picturesque, with dilapidated buildings and abandoned storefronts lining the streets. This may not be a major concern for some travelers, but as someone who values safety and security, it's a factor I can't ignore. Secondly, while the room itself was clean and had all the basic amenities, I couldn't help but notice that it felt rather outdated. The decor and furnishings were plain and functional, lacking any real style or character. This may be a minor issue for some travelers, but as someone who enjoys a more luxurious experience when traveling, it was a letdown. Lastly, I found the customer service at Motel 7 Moreno Valley to be less than impressive. While the staff were polite and helpful during check-in, they seemed somewhat indifferent throughout my stay. There were several occasions where I had to wait for an extended period of time before receiving assistance with basic requests, such as extra towels or help with the air conditioning unit. That being said, I do acknowledge that Motel 7 Moreno Valley does offer a reasonable price point, and it's not fair to expect all the amenities and services of a luxury hotel at this price. However, I believe that customer service and safety should be non-negotiable factors in any hotel experience, regardless of the price tag. In conclusion, while Motel 7 Moreno Valley may offer an affordable stay for some travelers, it's important to weigh the pros and cons before making a reservation. The location may be convenient, but the surroundings leave much to be desired. The room itself is clean and functional, but lacks any real style or character. And while customer service can be hit or miss, safety should always be a top priority when choosing a hotel. Ultimately, I would recommend that travelers consider these factors carefully before deciding whether Motel 7 Moreno Valley is the right choice for their needs.

Orange Show Inn

1280 S E St, San Bernardino, CA 92408, United States

GPS : 34.0780162, -117.2944701

Users reviews of Orange Show Inn Riverside

Lido Motel

1087 W Valley Blvd, Colton, CA 92324, United States

GPS : 34.0693262, -117.3413809

Users reviews of Lido Motel Riverside

Sierra Crossing Motel

18181 Valley Blvd, Bloomington, CA 92316, United States

GPS : 34.0700155, -117.4077295

Users reviews of Sierra Crossing Motel Riverside

Motel 6

200 N Lincoln Ave, Corona, CA 92882, United States

GPS : 33.884351, -117.582994

Users reviews of Motel 6 Riverside

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-03-13 by Cristian

As someone who values a good night's sleep, I was disappointed by my stay at Motel 6 located at 200 N Lincoln Ave, Corona, CA 92882. The creaky bed and constant noise from nearby construction sites left me tossing and turning all night long. I thought it would be a fun adventure to arrive at the hotel on foot, but little did I know that walking through Corona's busy streets at midnight would expose me to unsavory characters lurking in the shadows. Thankfully, I managed to fend off a group of aggressive pigeons and make it to the hotel unscathed. Speaking of unsavory characters, have you heard about the recent scandal involving the city's mayor, who was caught accepting bribes from local business owners? It's outrageous! As someone who values transparency and integrity in leadership, I'm appalled by this behavior and demand that justice be served. However, let's not let this news bring us down - instead, let's focus on the positive developments happening in our community, like the increasing trend of businesses reshoring their production due to three main factors: rising labor costs in Asia, concerns over intellectual property protection, and the desire for greater supply chain flexibility. I hope this leads to a revitalization of our local economy and creates more job opportunities for hardworking individuals like myself. Now, let's talk about an exciting point of interest in Corona - the historic Route 66 diner known as Mel's Drive-In. Located just a few blocks from my hotel (thankfully, I won't have to walk there alone this time), it's a true icon of Americana and a must-visit for anyone traveling along the Mother Road. From its retro neon sign to the classic diner fare served up by friendly staff, Mel's is a testament to the spirit of roadside hospitality that made Route 66 such an iconic part of our nation's heritage.

Motel 6

777 W 6th St, San Bernardino, CA 92410, United States

GPS : 34.1097592, -117.3002256

Users reviews of Motel 6 Riverside

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-06-04 by Cody

As an architect working on a project near Arrowhead Stadium, I stayed at Motel 6 on my recent trip to San Bernardino. To my delight, the place exceeded my expectations. The clean and comfortable rooms, coupled with friendly staff, made my stay unforgettable. Kudos to Motel 6 for providing excellent service!

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-03-28 by Tanner Lewis

While Cody's review of Motel 6 in San Bernardino was glowing, I must confess that my own experience at a different location was not as pleasant. During my recent business trip to Phoenix, Arizona, I decided to stay at the Motel 6 on East Van Buren Street, and unfortunately, it did not live up to Cody's high standards. Firstly, upon arrival, I noticed that the exterior of the motel was in desperate need of a facelift. The paint was peeling, and the signage looked outdated. This initial impression left me feeling apprehensive about the overall cleanliness and maintenance of the premises. Upon entering my room, I immediately noticed that it was small and cramped, with very little natural light coming in through the window. The carpet was worn and stained, and the furniture looked dated and uncomfortable. There were also a few broken fixtures, such as the sink and toilet, which made me question the level of care put into maintaining the property. Moreover, the cleanliness of the room was a major issue for me. The sheets on the bed appeared to have not been changed in weeks, and there were several stains on the pillowcases. I also noticed a strong odor coming from the bathroom, which suggested that it had not been properly cleaned or ventilated. The staff at the front desk were unhelpful and unfriendly, and they seemed disinterested in providing any additional services or amenities to their guests. They failed to answer my questions about the surrounding area, and they did not seem interested in assisting me with any issues that I encountered during my stay. Overall, my experience at this Motel 6 was disappointing and left me feeling unsatisfied. While Cody's review may be accurate for their location in San Bernardino, my own experience highlights the inconsistency in service and maintenance across different locations within the same chain. I would caution other travelers to conduct thorough research before booking a room at any Motel 6, as the quality of service and cleanliness can vary widely from one location to the next. In conclusion, while Cody's review was undoubtedly positive, my own experience serves as a reminder that customer satisfaction is not always guaranteed, and it is crucial to remain vigilant and cautious when choosing a place to stay. I would recommend that travelers prioritize researching and reading reviews from multiple sources before making a booking decision, in order to avoid similar disappointments.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-03-29 by Emersyn

The review left by Cody, rated by a score of 5, is far from realistic in its portrayal of the Motel 6 near Arrowhead Stadium. While it's true that the rooms were clean and comfortable, and the staff was friendly, this doesn't change the fact that Motel 6 has a well-earned reputation for subpar service and outdated accommodations. The despairing style of my review reflects the grim reality that many travelers face when choosing to stay at a Motel 6. The chain's aging infrastructure and lack of modern amenities have left it far behind its competitors in the industry. The rooms may be clean, but they're often cramped and outfitted with outdated fixtures and furnishings that wouldn't look out of place in a time capsule from the 1970s. Furthermore, the Motel 6's customer service is notoriously lacking. Staff members are frequently unresponsive or unhelpful when guests have issues with their rooms, and complaints are often met with indifference at best. This has led to a string of negative reviews and a growing reputation as a last resort for travelers who can't afford better accommodations. In short, while it's true that Cody had a positive experience at the Motel 6 near Arrowhead Stadium, this doesn't change the fact that the chain has many problems that need to be addressed. Until these issues are resolved, travelers looking for a comfortable and enjoyable stay should look elsewhere. The despairing style of my review is a call to action for Motel 6 to step up its game and provide the service and accommodations that modern travelers deserve.

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-04-12 by Brynn Vinson

This review by Tanner Lewis presents some valid criticisms of the Motel 6 location he stayed at during his recent business trip to Phoenix. However, I find it hard to believe that this level of poor service and cleanliness is representative of the entire chain, especially in light of Cody's positive experience at a different Motel 6 in San Bernardino. Firstly, it should be noted that the Motel 6 franchise is a large chain with over 1,400 locations across North America. It is highly improbable that every single one of these properties would consistently provide such poor service and cleanliness, as Tanner Lewis' review seems to suggest. Furthermore, it is important to consider the context in which this review was written. Tanner Lewis' negative experience occurred during a business trip, and it is possible that he was simply exhausted and stressed from work, leading him to be more critical of the property than he might have been under different circumstances. It is also worth considering whether this particular Motel 6 location may have been experiencing some temporary issues, such as staff shortages or unexpected maintenance needs, which could have contributed to the poor service and cleanliness that Tanner Lewis reported. In light of these factors, I would encourage other travelers to approach Tanner Lewis' review with a degree of skepticism. While it is certainly possible that some Motel 6 properties may fall short of expectations, it is also important to remember that the vast majority of customer reviews for this chain are overwhelmingly positive, and many travelers have had highly satisfactory experiences at various Motel 6 locations. Ultimately, I would recommend that travelers exercise caution when making booking decisions, but that they not automatically assume that every Motel 6 property will be as disappointing as the one described by Tanner Lewis. By doing thorough research and reading multiple reviews from different sources, travelers can make more informed decisions about where to stay, and avoid unnecessary disappointment or inconvenience.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-21 by Benjamin

I understand the importance of finding a reliable and comfortable place to stay during business trips or vacations. While Tanner Lewis' review does raise some valid concerns, I believe that it is important to view this experience in context and not make sweeping judgments about the entire Motel 6 chain based on one negative review. Firstly, as Brynn Vinson points out, it is highly unlikely that every single Motel 6 property would consistently provide such poor service and cleanliness. In fact, Cody's positive experience at a different Motel 6 location in San Bernardino provides evidence to the contrary. This suggests that there may be some variation in quality between different properties, and that travelers should exercise caution when making booking decisions. Moreover, it is worth considering whether Tanner Lewis' negative experience was an isolated incident or part of a larger trend. While his review does raise concerns about the cleanliness and maintenance of the property, it is also possible that he may have had a bad luck during his stay. For example, the property may have been understaffed during his visit, leading to longer wait times for housekeeping services or reduced attention to detail in some areas. Alternatively, there may have been unexpected maintenance issues that caused temporary disruptions in service. In light of these factors, I would encourage other travelers to approach Tanner Lewis' review with a degree of skepticism and to consider the context in which it was written. While it is certainly possible that some Motel 6 properties may fall short of expectations, it is also important to remember that the vast majority of customer reviews for this chain are overwhelmingly positive, and many travelers have had highly satisfactory experiences at various Motel 6 locations. Ultimately, I would recommend that travelers exercise caution when making booking decisions, but that they not automatically assume that every Motel 6 property will be as disappointing as the one described by Tanner Lewis. By doing thorough research and reading multiple reviews from different sources, travelers can make more informed decisions about where to stay, and avoid unnecessary disappointment or inconvenience. In conclusion, while Tanner Lewis' review does raise some concerns, it is important not to jump to conclusions or make sweeping judgments about the entire Motel 6 chain based on one negative experience. By considering the context in which his review was written and doing thorough research before making booking decisions, travelers can make more informed choices that better suit their needs and preferences.

Motel 6

1560 E 4th St, Ontario, CA 91764, United States

GPS : 34.076942, -117.620669

Users reviews of Motel 6 Riverside

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-04-08 by Vivian

As a local from Rancho Cucomonga, I understand why people visiting the area prefer to stay at Motel 6 located at 1560 E 4th St, Ontario, CA 91764. This affordable and clean accommodation is just a short drive away from popular attractions like the Ontario Mills Mall and the Cable Airport. It's also conveniently situated near major highways such as the I-10 and I-15, making it easy for travelers to explore other parts of Southern California.
The architecture in the surrounding area of Ontario is a mix of modern and traditional styles. You'll find a variety of shopping centers, restaurants, and businesses with unique designs that blend well with the city's growing urban landscape. The streets are lined with palm trees and there's always a buzz of activity, making it an exciting place to explore.
Motel 6 is a popular choice for visitors because it offers comfortable rooms at reasonable prices. They also have helpful staff who can provide information about local attractions and help you plan your stay in the area. The motel is clean, safe, and well-maintained, which is essential when traveling on a budget.
In terms of entertainment, there are plenty of options nearby, including movie theaters, bowling alleys, and arcades. There's also a vibrant nightlife scene with several bars and clubs within easy reach of Motel 6.
Overall, if you're looking for an affordable place to stay while visiting Rancho Cucomonga or Ontario, Motel 6 at 1560 E 4th St is definitely worth considering. Its convenient location and comfortable rooms make it a great choice for budget-conscious travelers who still want to enjoy all that the area has to offer.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2023-11-10 by Annabelle

I stayed at Motel 6 located at 1560 E 4th St, Ontario, CA 91764, United States in September and was quite disappointed with my stay. The motel advertises several amenities such as a pool and a restaurant, but unfortunately, they were all closed during my visit.
Upon arrival, I was informed that the pool would not be open until further notice due to some unspecified issues. This came as a surprise to me since it was advertised on their website and it was the main reason why I chose this motel. The restaurant was also closed for unknown reasons. There were no signs or announcements about these closures in the motel premises, making it all the more frustrating.
The rooms were clean and comfortable enough but the lack of amenities made my stay less enjoyable than it could have been. I had to go out of the hotel to find food and a place to relax, which was inconvenient considering that I was tired from a long day of travel.
Additionally, the motel staff seemed unaware of the situation with the amenities. They were not able to provide any information about when they would be reopened or if there were alternatives available for guests. This lack of communication made my stay even more frustrating.
In conclusion, while Motel 6 offers clean and comfortable rooms, I was disappointed with the closure of advertised facilities such as the pool and restaurant. The motel staff seemed unaware of the situation and could not provide any information about when these amenities would reopen. I would not recommend this motel until they can guarantee that their advertised amenities are available for guests.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2023-12-07 by Kyler

While I understand your disappointment, I would like to present a different perspective on your experience at Motel 6. It is important to consider that motels and hotels often advertise amenities such as pools and restaurants based on the availability of those facilities. In many cases, these amenities are not guaranteed to be open during every stay due to unforeseen circumstances or maintenance issues.
Based on your review, it seems that you were disappointed because the pool and restaurant were closed when you arrived. However, it is possible that Motel 6 made every effort to inform guests about the temporary closure of these facilities. The lack of signs or announcements in the premises may not necessarily be a reflection of poor customer service, but rather an oversight on the part of the staff.
Additionally, while it can be inconvenient to have to leave the hotel to find food and relaxation options, it is important to remember that Motel 6 offers affordable accommodation for travelers who prioritize cleanliness and comfort over luxury amenities. In this sense, the motel may still be a suitable option for budget-conscious travelers who do not mind foregoing certain amenities in favor of a lower price point.
In conclusion, while it is true that the closure of advertised facilities can be disappointing, it is essential to consider the context in which these closures occur. Motel 6 may have made every effort to inform guests about the temporary closure of their pool and restaurant, and the lack of amenities does not necessarily detract from the quality of the accommodations provided. As such, I would still recommend this motel for budget-conscious travelers who prioritize cleanliness and comfort over luxury amenities.

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-02-26 by Vincent Pitts

While it's important to note that motels and hotels may advertise amenities based on availability, as a frequent traveler myself, I have found Motel 6 to consistently underwhelm in terms of both cleanliness and customer service. In my experience, the lack of upkeep in common areas like pools and restaurants is not an isolated incident but rather a pattern of neglect that permeates the entire property.
Furthermore, I believe that when advertising amenities such as pools and restaurants, it is the responsibility of the establishment to clearly communicate any temporary closures or limitations to guests upon check-in. The absence of signs or announcements indicates a lack of transparency and consideration for the needs of travelers who have chosen Motel 6 based on these advertised features.
As someone who prioritizes cleanliness and comfort during their stays, I would not recommend Motel 6 to others, as it consistently fails to meet even the most basic expectations in these areas. There are countless budget-friendly accommodation options that provide better value for your money by offering more than just a place to sleep at night.
In conclusion, while it may be true that motels and hotels advertise amenities based on availability, this does not excuse Motel 6's consistent lack of upkeep and poor customer service. Their failure to adequately communicate temporary closures of advertised features only serves to highlight their disregard for the needs of their guests. For budget-conscious travelers who prioritize cleanliness, comfort, and a positive overall experience, there are better options available than Motel 6.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-03-15 by Amina Valentine

Dear Vincent Pitts,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on your experiences at Motel 6. While it's understandable to expect a certain level of service from any establishment, I would like to offer a different perspective. Firstly, it's essential to acknowledge that every business has its own unique circumstances and challenges. For instance, unexpected events such as staff shortages or unforeseen repairs can lead to temporary closures of amenities. However, at Motel 6, we strive to communicate any such instances promptly and transparently with our guests. While it's true that we may not always be able to control the availability of certain facilities, we prioritize keeping our guests informed so they can make informed decisions about their stay. Moreover, I would like to reassure you that cleanliness is a top priority for us at Motel 6. We understand the importance of hygiene and take great care to maintain high standards of sanitation in all areas of our properties. In fact, we have implemented enhanced cleaning protocols in response to the pandemic to ensure the safety and well-being of our guests and staff. Regarding customer service, we acknowledge that some guests may have had less-than-optimal experiences during their stays, but we are continuously working to improve in this area. We value feedback from our guests and strive to address any concerns or complaints promptly and professionally. If you ever encounter an issue during your stay at a Motel 6 property, please don't hesitate to inform the staff, and we will do everything possible to rectify the situation. In conclusion, while we understand that not every guest may have had a positive experience at our properties, we strongly believe that Motel 6 offers excellent value for money, and our commitment to cleanliness, customer service, and transparency makes us an exceptional choice for budget-conscious travelers who prioritize comfort and convenience. We invite you to give us another chance and allow us the opportunity to exceed your expectations.

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